Google Business Profile Training


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Improve your online presence locally with Google Business Profile (GBP)

Google Business Profile is an ideal way to begin your social media journey. Our experts are extremely passionate about increasing your brands online presence, and there is no better place to start than with your local area!

Get your business known, contact us today to find out more about our training, optimisation, and management services.

Improve your online presence locally with Google Business Profile (GBP)

Discover your potential…

You can be rest assured wherever you’re based, we can cater to your needs.

What we will cover:

  1. Initial Account Set Ups: We understand the difficulty in setting up new accounts. We've been there many times!   That’s why our experienced trainers can show you how it's done.
  2. Importance of a ‘Value Statement’: The smallest bits of content can make the biggest impacts, our training course will explain the importance your value statement has on the GBP as a whole.
  3. How to create posts that work: Our team understands that writing posts can be time consuming, especially for business owners,  our course will show you just how you can still create amazing content for your profile to hep attract potential leads.
  4. Why you need to use GBPs ‘Product’ feature: GBP is a great way to create a shop window for your website. Our Digital experts can help you achieve your business potential with products.
  5. Reviews: We all know how important customer love is for your business, displaying this on GBP is a great way to improve your online presence locally. Our team will go in-depth on the importance of reviews and how you can use this feature to your advantage.
  6. Insights: Monitor your weekly, monthly and quarterly progress with GBP insights. Become an expert to ensure you know what’s working for your business!
How does Google Business Profile help my Business?

How does Google Business Profile help my Business?

The GBP platform gets your business known locally. There’s no better time than now to get the knowledge you need to get the best out of Google Business Profile.

If you’re wanting to make a bigger presence in your local area, and build relationships nearby, GBP is the right way to start!

Our have all the experience and expertise required to get your business known and to rank higher than your local competitors!

Contact our team today

How does Google Business Profile help my Business?

GBP is one of the newest platforms to get your business known locally. There’s no better time than now to get the knowledge you need to get the best out of Google Business Profile.

If you’re wanting to make a bigger presence in your local area, and build relationships nearby, GBP is the right way to start! 

Our team have all the experience and expertise required to get your business known and to rank higher than your local competitors!

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