PPC Marketing

Target The Right Customers

Get back with Paid Ads

Generate Traffic that Converts

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) offers your business the opportunity to capture browsers who have an interest in what you sell.

Pay-Per-Click advertising is an effective way for businesses to buy placement on major search engines, including Google, Yahoo! and Bing. 

This allows your products/services to be seen by a market that is far more likely to be interested, giving you a better ROI over some other types of advertising.

Generate Traffic that Converts

Pay-Per-Click: FAQ'S

  • How does PPC advertising work? Advertisers compete for high rankings in SERPs in an auction-style environment. You ‘bid’ for each specific search term, the highest bidders receiving the highest listing on the results pages of participating search engines. 
  • PPC is unique in that you only need to pay for your advertising when it is actively consumed by potential customers; you will only pay your auction price when a member of the audience clicks on the link to your website or landing page
  • What determines my position on a SERP? An auction determines the position of your ad in search. Ad position can fluctuate each time depending on your competition.

  • What are display ads?  They appear on the top, side or in the middle of websites  They are highly effective and they reach more than 90% of people who use the Internet, creating high visibility.

  • Google Shopping. Google Shopping ads are a type of PPC advertising that allows businesses to display their products in Google search results.  They include an image, price, and other product information. They can be very effective in driving traffic to your website or online store, as they allow customers to see your products before they click on your ad.

  • Google Search Network. This is a network of websites and apps where your ads appear in a broader range of searches. Your ads can appear anywhere on the network – from the Google search engine but also on Google Maps, Google Images Google Play, Google Shopping, YouTube, and so many more Google-related properties. 

Increase your PPC Conversions

Increase your PPC Conversions

Effective ads drive people to your website, But it’s important to bring in experienced PPC management for your paid search campaigns.

Working with our specialist PPC account managers, not only do you free up time to focus on growing your business, but you also gain access to someone that works on PPC every day. This means your PPC campaign can be continually refined and improved by an experienced expert, to increase your profits.

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